Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Songwriting Spree

As can be expected with life, things are once again changing. I have decided that they are changing for the better, since that is mostly my decision anyway. Nearly everything about me is going through a metamorphosis, which provides me with some much-needed inspiration.

I have been writing a lot of songs lately, and many of them are even decent. They have been coming from all sorts of places, for all sorts of reasons. I have one song written on my flip phone (no smart phone here) because I was in front of a piano and away from my computer when inspiration hit. Some of my songs lately have been recorded before I could even type the lyrics up.

My wisdom teeth were removed last Thursday, which is a relief for me. I can finally stop being scolded by the dentist every time I go in for a check-up. I may have to get a cavity just to give them reason to complain about something.

I was a little worried getting the surgery in my mouth, since my ability to sing is a pretty important part of my life. Fortunately, everything went well and there are no oral issues on the horizon. I go in for a post-surgery check-up tomorrow to make sure all is well.

In other news, I am putting together a list of songs for the next album. It is most likely going to be more performable than "Investment" mainly because I use mostly real or representations of real instruments in the recordings. There is even talk amongst my musically inclined brethren of recreating some of the songs live. I think that would be an amazing show. I was going to begin that sentence with "personally," but to begin any opinion with "personally" is to be a little overly-cautious, in my opinion. See how pointless "in my opinion" was right there? It's obvious I'm stating my opinion; it's MY BLOG after all, not an editing textbook for the politically correct.

So keep your ears and eyes open. I haven't decided on a title yet, but we'll take this one step at a time, and right now I'm on the step where I select the songs and make them sound awesome. We'll discuss titles later. Expect a less-jolly approach to acoustic pop rock for this one, with pop taking a back seat. As I said earlier, I'm going through metamorphoses in several dimensions, not all of them pretty, and I expect that will bleed into the lyrics, and hence, the music.


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